Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alerts and warnings are very important to start by thinking

Before we start, a trip together explanations and participation banks profitability we must recall some tips and Alentbhet that need to be very, very taken into account the reality of past experience in this area or additional alerts and tips to help you more in this area .. Therefore, I hope to listen well to this advice and attention to all the attention .. Trust in God and we begin:

First: The first advice is to try to change our thinking just thinking about your subscription (River) or through a link one of the brothers of these companies because some people - unfortunately - seen as the exploitation and the like .. But after a little experience in this area and found that it's completely wrong for several reasons why I will always remember you, especially the latter because he is very serious .. First of them to give you a link to its own shares on the way is not a crime committed by this person! .. You will be involved, whether the companys way or not skimp on your brother does the believer who provided you with the company and the commentary beneath it, and this partnership will not cost you anything? .. The second of these reasons are the Hadith (None of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself) Imagine yourself going to love the place Is This? If you like my brothers good for yourself, so we should love to your brother, who tells you to do good for free and that they subscribe below for a very simple will not cost you anything other than reimbursement of a portion of it and to be especially beautiful at one time will be published following link also your Ravelz to bring you to remember It also condemns condemned .. Third reason is that the most dangerous companies are providing the possibility of selling Al river anyone who could not make Ravelz .. He bought this person but a group of members required to be members of those directly involved and not by one .. Imagine yourself and you wipe the name of the person or refuse to register under it or through an association and then find yourself a foreign person to benefit by purchasing the Voehm the first person to do good massage or a foreigner another ??!.. I think it almost settled on this point and to my knowledge not to participate Gesk subway, but in general, neonatal about a general principle and certain way of thinking, not only on this area ..

Second: the work of a special email these companies and would like to be from Gmail or any other site but the favorite is Gmail and then isolate this trend is not quite add one or it is published at all or send messages from him to safety ..

Third: every care to ensure the use of any ways to cheat two subscription fees either log in or register yourself under Volume AOp Klker use programs and software, which is pressing on the ads in an automated manner, or even give your link the present with you to register because the network connection IP will be one and there will be expelled immediately and without warning ..

IV: Keeping all of advertisements to ensure that you add companies to make sure that you press is the human element and not as automatic pressure where you'll find that written on the ad explicitly says that this declaration of "anti-cheat links" EAC and pressure which otherwise would be lost every owner and effort for that Be attentive to the name of the declaration does not use such programs to cheat ..

Fifth: Date profitability of these companies through the Internet Explorer and firefox which has not because it may cause problems with the registration duty to play safe and then return to use the same site Balvair Fox without a problem during registration, but only using Internet Explorer ..

VI: Using Note Pad or file Tekest to save the information for this company and your name and the bass by Wordpress and thus avoid to forget this information to you from that very set in conjunction Aktar of a company so you will need to save this information ..

VII: failure to register in all firms the same bass and the Lord that if, God forbid, and there was theft of clothing and your Lord will not have dire consequences for that duty to play safe, especially if it comes to safety ..

Eighth: The dimension of each dimension of the registration of companies that the Free Domains, as well as companies in the price of the amounts of pressure or Pons registry, such as firms, which says that the price pressure 1 or $ 2 they put things ..

This is the most important alerts and warnings that we must take caution to follow in order to secure yourself and start just beginning
God willing, will be updated the Post at first hand in the case of tips and new alerts

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