Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How are the sites profit from nonprofits?

Sites profitability is the best and most ways to earn online .. You will not need to pay anything from you but you will receive the money some time and intelligence .. But how is this?? .. What are the sites profiting online?? .. And what benefit the website owner upon payment of the money goes to me?? .. How I can to earn money online?? .. And how?? .... I know that all of liquefaction may revolve in the imagination of every novice in this area and you need to answer .. This will dwell in the Post's site and how to profit from, the beginning and all the correct answers to queries put The above ..


Sites profit over the Internet simply sites are owned by the people and place advertisements to other sites .. As these ads took if the owners of declared sites to publicize their positions for a certain percentage and to bring visitors and Traffic to the site by clicking on these ads by Active participants for a certain rate per click (we are) ..
If we are here talking about the first three parties is the location of profit and its owner .. And the second party is the advertisers or the owners of sites that will be announced .. And the third party we are participants who put pressure on the ads and receive a certain percentage for each time .. This is called the sites with the pressure to profitability (PTC) or Paid To Click payment for the sense of pressure on the ads .. In this you have a special account on this site is for the number and proportion of each Dguetatk pressure and total your earnings so far, the first stage .. Then the second phase to reach the minimum limit which you can request for payment has is different from one location to another and this is what will be said at every company .. Then comes the second stage, namely the establishment of a bank account for you on the Internet in order to receive your money and your profit will be explained that too .. Then the third phase was the transformation of your money to your hands, either by issuing a check or through an intermediary substance that converts a dollar amount and then delivers it to you with your hands The second way is easier because the former may require more time and this bacterium is the last stage of wondering about everyone .. Also, there are also other sites you have signed up to complete some offers, such as participation in other locations on the way, and so on, but the most common sites are for-profit pressure on the ads, which will focus more by ...

And because each of its terms and by his own words, the area of profit through the Internet also contains some words that you will need to be familiar with the ease of dealing with these sites or the so-called title is the most common corporate profitability .. Here is some of the terms that must be grasped to be able to break into the world of profit via the Internet:

* Corporate profitability: are the sites we are talking about which will win them with the pressure on the ads offered by us

* Minimum payment: The amount you must reach it before asking your money transfer .. Some sites take a minimum $ 10 and $ 5 each and so on ..

* Price pressure: The amount that will be placed in your account when you click on one ad from the ads is often 0.01 cents, and no one, and some sites give two cents, or cents and a half, but the most common and widespread of 0.01 for the pressure

* Alriver: is a person you are calling to participate online through a link to a site provided for you in return Iank get a percentage of clicks that the other side of Idguetha is obtained for the same .. And when it is to say that the percentage of Alriver hundred percent, this means you get full pressure on the price of your Revere, a price pressure that has been The above explain .. Some sites provide a one hundred percent the proportion of Revere and some fifty percent, depending on the laws of the site .. Of course, whenever I called the number the bigger the profit more .. Must also be mentioned that many of us, unfortunately, this is what is prevalent when Arabs in particular are unfortunately refuse registration under the pretext of another person he is using .. But unfortunately, this thinking is completely wrong .. This has been addressed to this point further in this press the Post here ..

* Number of ads: is the number of ads that shows you every 24 hours to press them, and varies from one location to another as well as the laws of the site and often ranges from 10 ads to 20 or 30 declaration of the day and more, as the company ..

* Membership Type: The type of your membership, whether Basic or Premium and Standard difference is that the second has more advantages in terms of the number of ads and price pressure and are often an annual subscription fee of about $ 59.00 in most companies profitability ..

* The time of payment: is the time it takes to transfer money from the company to your bank account varies from company to company Some companies need to more than 4 or 5 months, and each needs to be one month and 14 days each and each one week, and some less, according to the laws of each company ..

* Proof of payment: It is a picture of the bank account after the conversion of the company's money to you to prove only that the company is paying and this image, confirm that ..

* Company Scham: It is called on companies that do not pay for that care should be taken not to participate ..

This is the most important terms used in this area, which will enable you, if you're a beginner to enter into this world without the slightest problem and the prior knowledge and without the need to ask .. In the case of other terms you want to know or question about the nature of profit over the Internet or anything mysterious preferred status in response to the Post and I will be your answer ..

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