Monday, October 5, 2009

data entry work from home

the Internet nowadays like spam. It's become very frustrating to find a decent work from home job without having to sift through all the rubble. I've noticed though that the majority of data entry Website are owned and operated by the same person who is using different aliases. He runs probably 65% of the non-traditional data entry sites and the other 35% are divided between a few legitimate owners and some wannabe copycat data entry experts and scam artists. These guys don't really know a thing about running a data entry company and doing the training, they just know how to copy a Website and steal your money. That's pretty scary.

You have to be careful when choosing a company to sign up with. You have to make sure that you are working with a pro that has been earning money online for a long time and knows what he's doing. So how do you know if the actual owner of a Website is legitimate or not? Well there are ways to avoid being scrammed. Here are a few tips that might help.

How to Avoid Data Entry Scam Sites -

1. First and for most. Make sure that the company has a way to be
contacted. A valid email address, phone number or contact form on their Website. Just because you see one there doesn't mean it works.

2. Send a test email and ask them a specific question about the company, call a number if they have one or send a letter through the contact form. If they do not send a reply then don't even bother going any further with them. If they do reply, make sure it is an actual human talking to you and not some type of auto response.

3. Run a search on them through the BBB. You should find plenty of information about a company that way good or bad. It's simple and it's fast.

4. Look at their reply email and make sure it's not a generic one like yahoo or Gmail. A legit company should use the actual domain email for contact. It just looks suspicious when they use other types of email.

5. Check to see how long they have been in business. I wouldn't take the chance with a company that has not been around for at least a year online. A lot of scam artists will keep opening new Website because the old ones get a bad rep for scramming so many people so they'll ditch the old domain for a new one and they'll just keep doing this.

So these are just a few tips but these are very useful ways to tell if a company is legitimate or not. Now once you get past all of the bad stuff, it actually is a very lucrative business and you can make a great deal of money doing this type of work with the right company. Most data entry sites are about ad placing and Website promotion which is one of the top ways to earn money right now online. One could earn from $100 a day up to $500 if they have a good teacher and it's not hard to learn.

Non traditional data entry work is not "Get Rich Schemes" either. It is something you could make great residual money with, but your not gonad get rich so don't get your hopes up. If you are serious about doing this type of work just remember the basic 5 tips above and you should have no problem finding a good and reliable data entry company.

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